Translate the Linc

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Your Morning Linc: New Wolverine Trailer, Game of Thrones Sigil, Michael Scott Wisdom, and DocTales!

Good morning you ragamuffins! Here's a quick post with some cool bits from the last few days:

1. New Wolverine Trailer Promises Action, Excitement, and Mutton Chops

In another attempt to make us forget about X-Men Origins: Wolverine, James Mangold's The Wolverine (see? similar, but different) brings Logan to Japan where he is offered the chance to become mortal again. A difficult choice, killer action scenes, all set in the Land of the Rising Sun? Count me in, bub!   

The Wolverine hits theaters July 26. Snikt!

2. Join The Realm: Create Your Own Game of Thrones Sigil

A cool site from the people over at Game of Thrones allows you to create your own coat of arms. Will you join up with the Lannisters, the Starks, the Targaryens, or create your own? Here's mine:

Join The Realm
Work Hard. Play Hard.

Game of Thrones Season 3 premieres in just three days on HBO!

3. The Wisdom(?) of Michael Scott

Buzzfeed has collected assorted quotes from the only true manager of Dunder Mifflin - Scranton, Michael Scott. The brilliant thing about them is that in some weird way, there's a hint of truth to each of them. Check out my favorites below and the full list here:

The Office

The Office

The Office

The Office

The Office

The Office

The Office

4. Doctor Who/Duck Tales Mashup...That's Right.

Because I couldn't let one post go by without mentioning the Time Lord (and you were almost there!)

Doctor Who
No one smirks like Ten

A couple of days ago I posted about the reboot of the classic NES Duck Tales game. Well, the theme song has been stuck in my head since then and, as things tend to do in this noggin of mine, the lyrics began to merge with other tropes and genres. What came out of it was an amalgamation so epic, I knew I had to share it.

So here it is folks, I know you've already started to hear that opening drum beat in your head (just like the Master)!
Flying through both time and space,
In the TARDIS.
Bigger on the inside,
Says companions.
Might solve a mystery, or rewrite history!

Doctor Who-oo!
Changing face, Regenerating. Doctor Who-oo!
Time Lord with two hearts and a fez. Doctor.

D-d-d-daleks, exterminate you! – There’s a Cyberman to convert you!
Weeping Angels, Silence can’t stop
Doctor Who-oo!
Changing face, Regenerating. Doctor Who-oo!
Time Lord with two hearts and a fez. Doctor Who-oo!
Not Captain Jack or River Song, but-

Doctor Who-oo!

Hit the play button to hear the original theme and see how mine stacks up!

And, if I've done my job right, that will be stuck in your head for the next few days.

Duck Tales
C'mon, he even dresses like him!


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